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  • Writer's pictureCara Bianca wiseroots

Everything you need to know about Energy Healing

Updated: May 10

' vibrate at the highest frequency possible '

Let’s talk energy healing!

firstly EVERYONE is a natural energy healer

secondly, EVERY culture has its own lineage and form of energy healing

Anyone can delve into energy healing through proper training and guidance. And with dedication and practice you can harness the power of energy for healing purposes

Energy healing evolved from the earliest roots of animism, everything has an energetic frequency, this energy is pulsing in every living being in the world around you!  in humans, animals, trees, plants and minerals

yoga is a wonderful form of self energy healing used since ancient times

I hope you enjoy my dive into energy healing practices and how to add in energy healing to your daily life



  • what is energy healing ?

  • Energy healing and the BioField

  • Energy Healing and Quantum physics

  • Core beliefs of energy healing

  • the science of energy healing and placebo effect

  • Who Can Benefit from Energy Healing?

  • different types of energy healing modalities

  • choosing sn energy healing modality

  • what will i experience during a healing session ?

  • The long story of Yoga and energy healing through the Ages of humans (Yugas)

  • TIPS how to energy heal at home

  • FAQS energy healing

What is Energy Healing

everything consists of energy, by addressing imbalances and blockages in the energy field, energy healing aims to restore vitality and harmony releasing energetic blocks that can manifest physically, mentally or emotionally leading to discomfort or illness.

Energy healing is classified on Wiki as 'Pseudoscience', please read on and make up your own mind about energy healing, it is highly recommended you experience energy healing first hand, and if you have had a bad healing experience in the past (which is usual as it is a non regulated profession) i urge you to try a healing session again with a trusted professional energy healer even i have had some poor energy healing sessions and this hasn't put me off, though i am very wary which practitioners i would trust or visit for a healing, let your intuition guide you to the right professional, later i will go into more detail about what you may experience during a healing session

Energy healing and the BioField

The term ‘biofield’ was first described in a 1992 meeting of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). 

everything has a field of energy surrounding it, earth, animals, plants and you! known as the ‘energy field’, the ‘morphogenetic field’ or the ‘etheric body’.  This Biological field of energy is filled with information (vibrational frequencies such as the energy from a surrounding environment, or emotions and thoughts) that reflects and guides the regulation of a living system or organism. Integral to this Biofield is ‘energy’, which is foundational for many systems of healing, cultures call it Qi (‘Chi’), Prana, Ki or Mana, it is real it is there and science has proven that it is real, you cannot see it, but you can feel it

The Biofield is used by Chinese Medicine (TCM), Qigong, Yoga, Reiki, Energy Healing, Chromotherapy, Homeopathy, Sound healing, Crystal Healing etc

Masaru Emoto Japanese author and scientists work on how human consciousness can affect the molecular structure of water, the water above was sent energetic frequencies and the above was recorded, a form of energy healing or energy deterioration is shown in the above pictures (picture with thanks, anon)

Einstein called Quantum Physics 'spooky action at a distance’

Energy Healing and Quantum physics

Quantum physics unifies nature and the energy within it (the biofield, qi, chi, prana) , and shows us that the invisible energy realm (the bio field) is the primary force that governs the material realm.  The energy and information in this field, is a ‘blueprint’ that governs our reality.  Quantum physics covers Concepts like:

  • Entrainment, where all energy symchronises with energy around it as proven by Scientists in experiments, as used

  • Entanglement and Nonlocality, where particles can instantaneously react and communicate with other particles, even when they are on the other side of the Earth, proving that online and distance healing is just as highly effective as in person sessions

  • The Observer Effect: the theory that the mere observation of a phenomenon inevitably changes that phenomenon, with matter literally being able to pop into existence from seemingly nowhere.

  • Zero Point Energy Fluctuations and the Quantum Vacuum: the underlying background energy that exists throughout the entire Universe. With pieces of information and energy flowing in a feed back and feed forward loop that is holographic in nature

This scientific reality based on waves and particles of energy interacts with all bio fields, all biofields interact and are used by the energy healer and have always been, this is fact and proven by science

If we try to pick out any thing by itself, we find it hitched to every thing else in the universe’

~ John Muir, 1911 if

Core Beliefs of Energy Healing

energy healing’s central belief is in the existence of ‘life force’ energy, called chi, qi or prana that sustains all living beings, as proven by Quantum Physics

An energy healing Practitioner harnesses this universal life force energy to facilitate healing in the Biofield

The Science of Energy Healing & Placebo effect

More Scientific research has demonstrated that energy healing methods interact with the body’s electromagnetic field and frequency, and energy-healing techniques stimulate self-healing mechanisms. In recent energy healing study it reported that 78% of participants had reduced stress levels and improved overall well-being after engaging in energy healing practices.  I myself have been practising energy healing for over 3 decades and can vouch that through pure experience this is true!


Some believe energy healing merely triggers a placebo effect, but studies have shown real physiological changes, the field of Quantum Physics has shown that energy is more complex than we ever thought.

Research has revealed positive altered brainwave patterns and even reduced heart rates during energy healing sessions. These measurable scientifically proven changes are not just belief or suggestion, and show us the true and proven impact of energy healing.

‘The Universe and everything in it – is made up of nothing but waves and particles of energy.’ anon

Who Can Benefit from Energy Healing?

Energy healing works holistically and can help anyone (we all have a Biofield), whatever you are seeking to balance or heal there will be a solution in the field of Energy Healing

Energy healing can help with physical issues such as chronic pain or illness, and also mental or emotional issues such as stress, anxiety or insomnia, and can also be used for assisted spiritual growth, releasing old patterns in your life, bringing in new patterns, entraining your energy with higher vibrational fields and more

Different Types of Energy Healing Modalities

There are many different types of energy healing, more healing modalities have been created this century than ever before, this doesn't mean they are more powerful than the ancient practices, it is up to you to decide which path is right for your healing journey:

is a gentle technique of energy healing that was created in thd last century by Japanese Dr Mikao Usui (born a Tendai buddhist) 1865-1926 and involves hands on healing, meditation, beaming energy healing and psychic surgery.  Reiki is very good for stress relief and relaxation and is great to learn for self healing where you receive an opening of your healing channel and blessing (attunement) from your reiki master

has evolved on every continent on earth since the beginning of time, considered the oldest form of energy healing, the word  Shaman originated from the Tungus tribe of Siberia and is still used my mongolian shamans. Today Peruvian and Native American and Celtic Shamanic practices are the most well known, where shamanism is practiced by medicine men and women including healing ceremony, sound healing, journeying.

Shamanic healing is very good for healing the soul, soul fragment healing, ancestral healing and energetic work to release old energy and bring back parts of yourself if they feel missing causing trauma or stress

is an ancient healing modality that harnesses the vibrational properties of crystals to rebalance and ‘’entrain’ energy, especially good for relaxation and balancing energy where Crystals are  placed on or around the body during sessions to clear energetic blockages or amplify positive energies. Crystal healing is especially good for spiritual growth and aiding your energy vibrations

uses vibrational healing to tune the body to wellness, which can be by tuning forks and other sound frequencies, it is a form of bio resonance, especially good for resetting the bodies frequencies and cleansing the energy field, and entraining the human biofield to wellness and harmony

focuses on healing the 7 main chakras (energy centres) of the body, it is used a a single treatment or alongside other modalities such as reiki, crystal or sound healing always focussing on the chakra centres, chakra healing is great for overall wellbeing and balancing energy if the body

is a holistic therapy that assesses your 'vital force' using verbal analysis, holistic talk therapy, and assessing the body, what symptoms you have, ailments, dis eases, ancestral patterns, and especially your likes snd dislikes, your inherent nature, your mental state, mind and emotions and thereafter a remedy may be chosen to assist your healing, the remedy, usually in pill form for you to take orally, is chosen from plants or minerals which with their healing properties can help assist you to entrain, release or heal energy within your body, mind or spirit using entrainment from energetic frequencies of nature, like a lock and key effect opening a new door of healing ability

BACH FLOWER REMEDIES are a wonderful form of heslimg modality, where flower remedies are used to ease and release emotional issues

Homeopathy and bach are perfect to use alongside allopathic medication

this wonderful gentle ancient chinese practice of mindful movement combines movement breath and meditation to cultivate energy within the body. Qigong exercises are gentle and effective at improving circulation, reducing tension, and boosting immune function. Qigong is especially great for anyone with limited movement ability and there is a style of qigong suitable for every level especially the elderly or anyone compromised in their movement range

is a complete system of movement postures (asana) and stretches for body wellness, massaging internal organs and bringing daily wellbeing for the practitioner, yoga also includes meditation, breathwork and mindfulness to helpnrelease excess or deficient energy from the body, the word yo-ga mean to yoke or unite the body and mind together in unity as one through daily practice, yoga is especially good at maintaining and healing the body through flexibility and self massage, and is especially good to center and relax the body and mind helping with better digestion, sleep and quality of life overall. there is a style of yoga suitable for every level

Choosing an Energy Healing Modality

Each healing modality depends on your needs and preferences. Some people may resonate more with a movement based healing session  and others may prefer a healing session with a practitioner, such as a reiki or shamanic session.  It is up to you to select the trigger session for you

What will I Experience During a Healing Session


When you arrive or attend online for an energy healing session, the practitioner will start by discussing any specific concerns or areas where you are seek assistance, or you will fill out a consultation and disclaimer checking you are well to attend a healing session or have your doctors approval if under their care, with an established and agreed healing pathway discussed by the healer and you with your consent, you will be asked to lie down (fully clothed, unless the session involves massage) on a couch or sit and relax, a healing therapists room is usually calm, warm and relaxing with a couch, blankets and healing equipment.  The healer may use various techniques to assess your energy field, identifying imbalances or blockages that could be affecting your overall well-being before and after the treatment to see where blockages are in your energy field and how they energetically shifted during your session through your biofield so you have an idea of what is 'energetically chronic and acute' and where to focus your healing on after the session or if more sessions are required

Wh  edna you are in a healing session, What you experience is very personal, and depends upon what you are healing.


  • deep relaxation is usually experienced during a healing session as anxiety and stress is released

  • you may experience emotions or mental thoughts or images surfacing, this might manifest as tears or sadness dissipating into relief as it is released from your system, It is essential to allow these emotions to surface and release during the healing session

  • a feeling of centredness and safeness is usually felt as you are held in a safe healing space by a professional healer

  • sensations that indicate energetic shifts have occurred within your body or if stagnant energy is released or cleared

  • sensations such as pulsing, warmth or tingling spreading through your body

  • if you do not feel immediate effects that is ok the session will still be working

Your practitioner will usually give you feedback at the end of your session including progress in the session, 'energy diagnostics' of what happened in the session and aftercare & advice to help you after the session, and will also recommend if you need a follow up session or other modality of healing.

The long story of Yoga and energy healing through the Ages of humans (Yugas)

For the past hundreds and thousands of years,    specific healing methods formed more solidly than others in certain cultures through the different ages.  In Yoga these are called the Yuga’s and i will explain the journey of energy healing over the ages

FIRST YUGA age of nature, we were innocent and as one with nature this is where real energy healing was born, all energetic frewuencies were born from purity and animism a true closeness with nature and shamanic practice

SECOND YUGA in ‘The age of mysticism’ we lost the innocence of being at one, there came a duality, in order to see spiritality in everything we created religion and spirituality to remain closer to what we list in our origin, in this age the focus was on structuring energy healing in religion, where yoga and qigong were born

THIRD YUGA the age of philosophy took us up into our minds, now we were lost spilt into three within, the mind never making sense of the mind, in this age energy healing was philosophised and refined, scholarsxwrote vast books and texts, schools were born and teachings passed on from teacher to student

FOURTH YUGA the age of confused mind, now split in to four there is no peace or sense, we are here! in this last phase before we return to the next first yuga agsin of purity we need to use energy healing to come into a state of purity to heal

TIPS how to energy heal yourself easily at home

here is my top quick list how to implement energy healing techniques into your daily life


learn some simple breathing techniques and use daily and practice these at least once a day


drink pure! avoid ‘dead’ fizzy soda, caffeinated drinks and cooked high sugar fruit juices devoid of ‘prana’, get a water filter and drink quality filtered water when thirsty, or drink healing herbal tea with benefits or fresh squeezed fruit juice


clean up your diet and remove ‘dead’ foods, eat fresh energy rich foods, avoid over processed foods, some people may want to cut out dairy or grains and sugars from their diet, try a whole food diet suited to your nutritional requirements


wear natural fibres such as cotton, bamboo or viscose and avoid polyester clothing allowing your energetic field to expand naturally


your energy is essential! Walk barefoot on grass or meditating outdoors allowing you to absorb the Earth’s natural energies,


Create a positive atmosphere that supports self-care and emotional well-being in your home

  • DECLUTTER Clear clutter regularly to prevent stagnant energy from accumulating in your living spaces

  • SMUDGE cleanse with palo santo and sage or use cleansing crystals to purify the energy around you effectively.

  • CLEAN REGULARLY to cleanse your home energetically


Self-care plays an important role in keeping energetically healthy and is essential for overall well-being.

  • YOGA can help to stretch out

  • QIGONG  can help to calm

  • MEDITATION can help centre the mind

  • JOURNALLING  can help to release

  • BATHING relaxing showers or baths can help restore balance within yourself as nd cleanse away the energies of the day

Prioritise self-care allowing you to recharge yourself on all levels


use a chosen form of energetic self protection such as

  • CRYSTALS wear or keep crystsls near for protection

  • ENERGY HEALING learn energy healing to assist you to protect yourself and your space

  • VISUSLISATION use a protection visuslisation regularly



there are times a professional energy healing session can work wonders if

  • you’ve had a big change or upheaval in your life

  • your past was traumatic and is affecting your life now

  • you have recently separated or lost someone and feel out of sorts

  • you’ve moved to a new house

  • you’ve had a baby

  • if you are experiencing illness or feeling unwell

  • if you feel spacy or ungrounded

  • if you are experiencing acute or chronic symptoms or illnesses


this will vary individually. Some may notice sn immediate shift, while others might require multiple sessions before changes happen


just give it a go! there is no strict requirement of beliefs.  If you are training to be an energy healer you will learn practices from a culture or  even religion, it is up to you how you utilise this wisdom in your healing practice


both online and in person healing sessions are equally as powerful. Energy healing works on quantum physics, the biofield and space/time are only coordinates, energy . it is essential you choose the right hesling modslity for your needs.

CAN I HAVE ENERGY HEALING IF IM TAKING MEDICATION OR UNDER A DOCTORS CARE? usuallyyes! do check with your doctor or specialist first, you will find an energy healing practice that will work well alongside your regular allopathic health care


Energy healing methods are usually  considered safe and non-invasive, with minimal risk of adverse effects when practiced by trained professionals or experienced practitioners. Clients may sometimes experience ‘a healing crisis’ or temporary emotional releases/physical sensations as part of the energetic release


Yes, animals can greatly benefit from energy healing modalities just like humans do. Whether they are dealing with physical ailments, emotional distress, or behavioral issues, providing them with energetic support through techniques such as Reiki or acupuncture can promote their overall well-being and aid in their recovery.


yes! with an adult present and full consent there will be a type of energy heslimg suitable for babies, children and teens.


Yes! energy healing can be used at any time of a persons life and is especially good for elders and the dying.


Yes!  like learning any other skill with a good teacher and practice you can learn the art of energy healing

thank you for reading my article

cara wiseroots

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cara wiseroots


Cara is a Complimentary Medicine Practitioner (CAM) specialising in trauma and healing, Cara offers online healing and tuition and is a professional homeopath, herbalist, naturopath, nutrition mentor, holistic diet mentor and healer helping with all conditions in a holistic way

Cara is also an energy healer working with Usui reiki system as a Reiki master and is also trained in the healing modalities: shamanic practitioner, priestess, vibrational medicine practitioner: sound, gem therapy & chromatherapy healer.

Cara also offers advanced yoga, movement & dance, qigong, meditation and breathwork (pranayama)

Cara is also a holistic therapist trained in Aromatherapy, Advanced Massage, Acupressure Therapy, Lymphatic Drainage, Chinese Diagnosis and more currently offering self massage tuition for detox and relaxation

CARA'S OFFERINGS Book in with Cara now for training or an online healing session. Cara can help with biofield energy healing with physical conditions, mental, emotional and spiritual / soul issues, including anxiety, depression, grief, trauma, childhood issues, ancestral or family issues, insomnia, weight, diet, psoriasis, pain relief, disease, energy clearing and balancing and more



usui reiki & energy healing

sound healing

crystal healing

sound healing

shamanic healer

pendulum dowsing for healers

priestess healer

sacred dance

elemental qigong

sacred oracle henna




always visit a health care practitioner or doctor the information in this blog is classified as for information only and is only my story and point of view, please do your own research as you are liable for your own safety

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