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CLEAVERS Lymphatic detox, Emotional Spiritual Uses & Medicinal Uses (tinctures, infusions etc)

Updated: May 12


Botanical name: Galium Aparine

origin: worldwide

Properties:  spring tonic cooling

gender: feminine

Element: Fire

alternative names: known as sticky willy, catchweed, goosegrass because geese enjoy eating it, bedstraw because it was historically used for stuffing mattresses and It is thought that Virgin Mary prepared the manger by making a bed of Cleavers in it for baby Jesus.

Hayriffe Goosebill GripGrass StickyBobs

cleavers is a popular herb in alternative herbal medicine. It is a versatile herbal remedy with many potential health benefits which makes it a valuable addition to any herbal medicine cabinet.  Cleavers is easy to find, If you see cleavers arrive in your garden growing in springtime connect with its beauty and many healing benefits and add cleavers into your daily diet for better health

The name ‘cleavers’ describes that she sticks or cleaves to clothing and the skin using tiny hairs along her stem and seed pods, this plant was said to be an idea for Velcro. 

Traditional use

Cleavers grows prolifically all over the world and has a rich history of traditional use:


The botanical name, Galium, is Greek for milk, as the leaves have curdling properties and were used in cheesemaking, particularly in England.


The stems were fashioned into a mat that sieved and filtered then infused fresh milk with the health-giving properties of the plant. In some parts of Sweden this method is still used today.


The herb has been used in traditional Chinese medicine, called ‘jiu ceng ta’, used to clear heat and toxins from the body, as a cooling , anti-inflammatory, detoxifying and diuretic herb, supporting the lymphatic system removing stagnation and promoting overall health, and is used in combination with other herbs to treat conditions such as: oedema, urinary tract infections and skin conditions.


tribes used this herb to assist kidney health and as a remedy for gonorrhoea. It was also used by Native American women to prevent pregnancy.


Below are the many benefits of cleavers:

  • LYMPH MOVER DETOX lymph mover, removing waste and abnormal cells.  lymph-related complaints such as swollen glands, earache, and adenoid problems.

  • KIDNEY HEALTH Cleavers diuretic action helps to flush out waste, toxins and excess fluid from the kidneys, especially if blood flow declines to the kidneys due to illness, the kidneys respond by retaining water, thus this diuretic herb can be helpful to release excess sodium and minerals into the urine.

  • LIVER HEALTH studies have confirmed the hepatoprotective effect of Cleavers. It protects the liver from damage and helps it to heal with its cleansing properties, stimulating bile production and prevents bile ducts from becoming clogged.

  • UTI URINARY TRACT Cleavers can help support the urinary tract, especially beneficial for urinary tract / bladder infections.  For instance, anyone having a recurring bladder infection would do well to include a dose of cleavers vinegar in their daily salad dressing. Cleavers helps to keep fluids moving by supporting kidney health and the lining of the bladder and urinary tract cool as well as “scouring” the urinary tract and bladder acting as a solvent of stones in the bladder.

  • OEDEMA & SWELLING Cleavers is a powerful diuretic and excellent preventative for bloating and water retention, especially useful for clearing heat toxins from the bladder and urinary tract system. cleavers helps move water through the body and relieve swelling.  Cleavers contains antioxidants which clears buildups of free radicals in the body which can also help to reduce swellings associated with sore throat, tonsillitis, arthritis, gout, prostate issues, cancer, tumours and leukaemia

  • SKIN INFLAMMATION & SKIN CONDITIONS Cleavers is a cooling herb and can be used externally as a poultice to help cool inflamed skin conditions such as eczema, acne, psoriasis, burns, sunburns, stings, insect bites,  scurvy and scrofula

  • NERVOUS SYSTEM Cleavers is connected to healing in the nervous system and can help nerve pain, especially if there is spasm, convulsion or injury present. Matthew Wood reports using Cleavers to support healing in cases involving the spine, head, and nervous system

  • FERTILITY it is said cleavers can help with fertility conditions, prevent miscarriage and boost fertility in general

Where to Find Cleavers

Cleavers is a trailing sticky plant covered in small velcro like hairs, it is quite unique and fairly easy to find, it likes to trail up things and grow over other plants, ans well as trailing over the ground, it has 8 oblong shaped leaves growing in a round whorl around a central stem, and small white flowers, it likes areas where there’s moisture and some sunshine.  Search weedy places where it can climb up its neighbours to find support, roadsides, sides of forest to field spots, garden beds near structures like trees, other weeds, nettles, a shed or house or other objects where Cleavers can find support to climb or trail as it grows

It has a European cousin, Galium verum, Yellow Bedstraw and the two are of the same use, the only difference is G. aperine’s flowers are white while G. verum’s are yellow.

Cleavers Plant Look Alikes. Cleavers plant could be mistaken for green carpetweed (Mollugo verticillata), which is similar in appearance but is not sticky to feel, and is also edible.

Cleavers plants also resemble other galliums, such as ladys bedstraw (Galium verum), hedgebedstraw (Galium mollugo), fragrant bedstraw (Galium triflorum), and sweet woodruff (Galium odoratum), all of which have historical medicinal uses, these plants may look similar , though not all are sticky like cleavers plant. For safety consult a foraging guide to ensure correct identification.

Note: sweet woodruff contains coumarin making it a herb to consume in moderation.

Harvesting Cleavers

Harvest Cleavers before it starts to bloom or just as flowers are appearing, and before the seeds begin to form, as Cleavers puts its energy into making the vines a lot less useful as medicine when it is seeding

Making Cleavers medicine


Cleavers active ingredients include; phenols, tannins, alkaloids, anthraquinones, coumarins, iridoids asperuloside, alkanes, flavonoids and saponins.

Here are the most popular traditional ways to use cleavers


The best method is with cold infusion, using a cold water infusion of cleavers herb because the medicinal components of the cleavers plant may be compromised by heat. Place 1-2tbspn cleavers in cold filtered water leave for 1 hour, strain and drink add lemon and honey to taste or drink neat


to make cleavers tea Use 1 cup of boiling water to 2-3 teaspoonfuls of Cleavers.Leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes. Drink 2-3 times a day for desired effects, great with honey and lemon . note: it is best to drink as a cold infusion for full medicinal  benefits


juice the cleavers and drink remove roughage as it will be stringy, nice with lemon or orange


The young shoots, leaves, and seeds of the plant are edible and can be used in salads, soups, and teas. The plant has a mild flavor and is often compared to spinach or asparagus. use young leaves in soups or salads, older leaves will be spiky


infuse fresh Cleavers into vinegar or alcohol for use as herbal vinegar or tincture.

ACV VINEGAR INFUSION - steep for 4 weeks . use as a shot or add to salads or to the bath . Try adding lemon, garlic or honey to your infusion for a nice tasty twist

ALCOHOL TINCTURE - steep for 8 weeks in alcohol 3:1 1 part cleavers 2 parts alcohol

Take up to 2-4ml, up to 3 times a day, or as directed by a Herbal Practitioner.


Cleavers looses a lot of its medicinal value when dried, and tends to lose its flavor when dried, also its high water content can make cleavers a real challenge to dry


save Cleavers seeds for use much as one might use nettle seed, use as a spice or as a medicine specific to the Urinary tract and Male Fertility

Coffee substitute: A coffee relative, you can roast the tiny fruits of the cleavers plant to make a coffee substitute. (Dandelion root coffee is probably easier to gather though.)

note: there is little research or traditional use recorded for Cleavers seeds.

Emotional Cleansing using cleavers

As Cleavers work specifically on the lymphatic system it is said cleavers can assist to release emotional trauma and more



The lymphatic system is called tarpaka kapha in Ayurveda, and it means to store, record or hold on to Emotional trauma which is felt in the aspect of the emotional heart called sadhaka pitta. This trauma or emotional impression is then carried to the tarpaka kapha (brain lymph) via prana vata. These impressions are stored or written on the waxy myelin sheaths of the inner white matter of the brain, also part of tarpaka kapha. Without a healthy flow of the lymphatic system, toxins can build up in the brain blocking clarity, awareness, mood stability along with a healthy inflammation and immune response. 


Issues with the lymphatic system, according to Inna Segal, (the aecret language of your body) include residual unresolved emotional issues such as

  • self sabotage

  • confusion uncertainty

  • vulnerability, scared, can’t look after or protect yourself

  • unbalanced

  • unloved unsupported rejected, used by others

  • too easily influenced by others

LYMPHODEMA (Blocked Lymphatic System): Similar to venous system, white blood cell problem. Swelling of lymph glands. Perception that not receiving joy or love from the mother.

Spiritual & Magical use of Cleavers

Cleavers is a herb steeped in tradition and folklore, magically it has been used for the following

  • PURIFICATION cleanses negative energy on all levels, cleavers has the power to untangle and release stuck and negative energy, bad habits, negative patterns, toxins and impurities from a person or a space. It is often used in smudging rituals and herbal baths to purify the body, mind, and spirit and well as taken internally

  • INTUITION cleavers is said to heighten inner wisdom, intuition, dream work, lucid dreaming and is believed to open the third eye and facilitate spiritual growth and enlightenment. use cleavers in your meditation practice to help you connect with your higher spiritual self

  • RELATIONSHIPS use with all bonding, relationship, commitment and even as a love brew, cleavers imbues tenacity and the energy of ‘to bind’

  • PROTECTION carry or wear cleavers to protect the wearer from negative energies, psychic attacks, and evil spirits


Cleavers isn't known to interact with any medications or herbal supplements. As an edible plant, there appears to be minimal risk associated with ingesting cleavers or placing it on the skin.


Although no notable side effects are associated with cleavers, always check for potential allergic reactions, a small number of people have allergic reactions to cleavers, do not consume it if you find that your skin reacts to it.


Cleavers is contraindicated (not to be used) in

  • diabetes due to its diuretic action.

  • Those experiencing edemas due to impaired heart or kidney function

  • avoid herbs if you are pregnant and/or breastfeeding,

  • There are no known herb-drug interactions with cleavers.

  • If you have a pre-existing kidney condition it is vital that you speak to your healthcare provider before using diuretic herbs

It is always recommended you consult a health care practitioner for any medical issues

this post is for information only

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cara Bianca

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cara wiseroots


Cara is a Complimentary Medicine Practitioner (CAM) specialising in trauma and healing, Cara offers online healing and tuition and is a professional homeopath, herbalist, naturopath, nutrition mentor, holistic diet mentor and healer helping with all conditions in a holistic way

Cara is also an energy healer working with Usui reiki system as a Reiki master and is also trained in the heslinv modalities: shamanic practitioner, priestess, vibrational medicine practitioner: sound, gem therapy & chromatherapy healer.

Cara also offers advanced yoga, movement & dance, qigong, meditation and breathwork (pranayama)

Cara is also a holistic therapist trained in Aromatherapy, Advanced Massage, Acupressure Therapy, Lymphatic Drainage, Chinese Diagnosis and more currently offering self massage tuition for detox and relaxation

CARA'S OFFERINGS Book in with Cara now for training or an online healing session. Cara can help with biofiels energy healing with physical conditions, mental, emotional and spiritual / soul issues, including anxiety, depression, grief, trauma, childhood issues, ancestral or family issues, insomnia, weight, diet, psoriasis, pain relief, disease, energy clearing and balancing and more



usui reiki & energy healing

sound healing

crystal healing

sound healing

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pendulum dowsing for healers

priestess healer

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elemental qigong

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always visit a health care practitioner or doctor the information in this blog is classified as for information only and is only my story and point of view, please do your own research as you are liable for your own safety

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1 O Goryacha, T Ilyina, A Kovalyova, N V Kashpur, О В Горяча, А В Горячая, Т В. Ильина, Т В. Ільїна, А М. Ковальова, Алла Михайловна Ковалева, Н В Кашпур. 2014. Phytochemical research of Galium aparine L. lipophilic complex and study of its antibacterial activity [online].


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